Monday, June 20, 2011


It was wonderful to see the smile that we've recieved from Ms.Bonnie once she got out card, it meant alot to her, to us as well, Ms.Bonnie is loved by many students including myself and its unfortunate that she has to leave AHS even though she will be remember, and hopfully we will see her in the future. The project went farley well, most of the students was more than willing to sign her card, and to our surprise leave comments we mostly expected signatures put many of the students left comments to her that they will miss her alot, and she adored the skyline scene on the card to remind her of seattle and the people here.

IP #2 Mile stone

  • We need think this out how and when we will get students to sign (June 16th)
  • Starting this out we need to get materials (June 17th)
  • Get students to sign during 7th period (with permission from faculty) and during lunch as well (June 18th)
  • Design the front of the card (June 19)
  • Give it to ms.Bonnie June 21th before she leaves
Obstacles: we were well aware of how many students we wanted to fill up this poster, we also have a time limit to get this ready and design and give it to her by monday.

Ip #1 Picture

After school we only have 3 volenteers show up, it was sad, but we got the work done! we found that students leave alot of milk cartons and wrappers on the floor or even throw it in a hiding place, which we found ridiculous since the parking lot has 2 trash cans avaiable to them. Even though we had a few people we got the work done, and to great astonishment some students in the parking lot cheered us on, or said thank you for clearing it out. We hope to next time achieve more volenteers and spread the awarness about the trash and liter all over the parking lot, the parking lot belongs to the students we should be the ones making sure it stays tidy! 

IP #2

What the project is about?
This is the last year ms.Bonnie will be here at AHS we will miss her dearly, and we feel like fellow students should contribute something to her before she leaves, that why we decided to make a poster, for her. The idea came up how people dont know about her year book and it might fill up, so because of that we decided to make her a nice card, with a big poster so plenty of students could sign it.

How does this align with the mission of our class, what it would look and feel like?
To honor fellow staff, its a sort of contributing project, plus getting students and interacting with them break the barrier of becoming timid, and showing leader type skills to become successful and have people sign and leave a comment to ms.Bonnie would surely be a great goodbye/goodluck gift.

Obstacles/Challenges we would have to overcome
  • Talking to people, when will it be the right time to ask them to sign the posters
    • we decided that lunch would do the best, and before the seniors left so June 17th on friday we were able to try our best during  lunch and during leadership class to accomplish our goal which was getting alot of people to sign her poster
  • The time limit
    1. Bonnie was leaving on the 20th, we needed kids to sign it by then
    2. actually getting students during lunch to hurry up and sign the card before class begun
Materials needed
Poster paper, Markers, Students to sign
How many people we will need to help with this project
We need all the students to help pull this off to make this successful, and give the card to her on time.

Helping out #2 Driskells Soccer game

by informing fellow peers about the event, were it will be held and how things would work out. to be sure that people kept interest, we frequently reminded people to please and come play during lunch. It was somewhat of a tedious task because it was during lunch, but we assured that the soccer game was a chance to get exercise and interact with other fellow students, plus since the a few members of AHS play Soccer already it was a great opportunity for them to have more people in a game.

IP #1 things we need

  • camera
  • gloves
  • volunteers
  • garbage bags
  • posters to advertise
We are hope to obtain at least 10 people to help donate there time to this parking lot clean up, the parking lot isnt that big we just need a few hands to show up, pick up trash and dispose of them.

Ip #1 milestone

  • start discussing about this to Mr. McCombs about date (June 9,2011) 
  • Poster should be finished and made (June 13,2011)
  • Begin getting bags and materials needed for the cleaning up (June 10,2011)
 To meet our milestone we have to stay focus during class so we can negotiate about what needs to be done. Keeping an watch out about what needs to be done to accomplish this as well, we have to be aware of the students interest in a campus clean up and ensure they know the benefits of this community service opportunity, we also have to be sure that we have back up plans if this does not go successful

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Parking Lot Cleaning Up blog #2

June 9th we made signs and put them on the two main hall ways

Parking Lot Cleaning Up blog #1

Last thing we resorted to was a parking lot cleanup due to our failure in the previous planned project, so this was planned June 8th to have student volunteers come and help donate their time to clean the parking lot, since most garbage are thrown without hesitation by some of our peers. We decided that we’d donate one hour cleaning up the parking lot.

Things we needed to evaluate was what day would be best to have a clean up;
·        Talked to Mr.McComb
1.      He said that there would be seniors on the weekend already cleaning the campus so it might be clean already, but we took our chances since we would think at least 10 people would show up that it wouldn’t be that much work
2.      We had to decide on the date, so we decided to do it on Tuesday, June 14 so it seemed flexible for the students to see the sign and help.
·        Letting the word out
1.      Making signs, on June 9th we decided to make signs to put up we around the school
2.      Letting the word out we told peers to please come and participate.
After we had everything planned out we negotiated with Ms.Hirinaka about letting us get garbage bags and gloves.

Monday, May 23, 2011


Ice Breaker
Maritza Montoya and I conducted this ice breaker to help show the creative side of people and also to get a laugh out of people as well see how people work together. Our Ice breaker was basically to split into groups of five and to write a type of dance on a piece of paper, later the dance that was written on the piece of paper would be given to another group, it was the groups job to learn how to do the dance and teach each other, but if the group did not know how to do that certain dance they were to conduct “what they thought” would be the dance. There job was to dance in a sequence and not keep it sloppy and have everyone doing the same move. Then the rest of the class would guess what type of dance move it was.

How our ice breaker went:
I believe it got some chuckles out of people, but the problem that kept occurring was people not participating/being to shy to actually dance in front of the class. Something else that we left out was music, luckily though we had someone who had a laptop with music, this allowed people to dance to it. I would describe our icebreaker as a bit sloppy because we never thought of the music part, how it would look like and how people would guess the dance. If I were to redo this I would include those factors in and make it more organized. It was hard as well to get the attention of students.

Helping out with the EASTER EGG HUNT April/27/11

During the beginning of spring there was an Easter egg hunt that I help participate in, and I helped out this IP was led by Gavin Zhom, the instructions that I went through was quite easy and all I had to do to contribute my time was put the candy in the eggs which was about 3 pieces of candy or 2 in each egg. I also helped on the day of the egg hunt which was a Friday, was to hide the eggs around the field; we were let out of class 10 minutes earlier to set out these eggs.
The problem with this was that students were let out to early and didn’t really get the chance to hide each egg, and there wasn’t a big sum of students who showed up there was a few luck participants who were willing to grab some free candy. Over all though I thought this was a perfect ideal IP for the season and the only thing I would change is the time we had to hide the eggs and letting people be more aware of the event.

Blog #2 -IP Candy Lace Necklaces towards the class of 2011

The Proccess:
 There are about 100 graduating students this year; the process we have to take to make this work out: Steps towards this I.P;
                -Find out what type of candy the seniors want in there necklaces.
                -Find out when and where these necklaces will be delivered to the people who are going to buy it.
                -Notams to notify the students, as well as forms of what/ and how many of the candy laces they want to order (This will be passed out to senior advisers)
                -Calculate how much everything will cost/amount of necklaces that will be made.
                -After receiving the papers back about how many is going to be ordered we will go to ASB with our idea.
                -Get candy ASAP start spending time making them. (Need helpers for this)
                -Find out a way to deliver these on the certain date.

Blog #1 -IP Candy Lace Necklaces for the class of 2011

The Proprosal
Candy Lace Necklaces for Graduates
                This year the class of 2011 will be graduating, most of the time when there is a graduation you see candy wrapped in a necklace shaped form, with ribbons that hold together pieces of candy. This is usually optional to the graduating students, some graduates are covered with these hand made necklaces all the way from there shoulders up to there neck.  These necklaces are made by family members usually, but this year I feel like AHS 2011 graduating class should receive something special, that’s why we are offering the students to purchase these candy lace necklaces with an assortment of different variety of candy. 

Monday, April 25, 2011

CANCELED Independent Project #1 April/21/11

I am offering our teachers and fellow AHS faculty to have a personal piece of artwork hanged on there wall, in their class room, office etc. I personally feel that teacher/faculty should have a piece of their personality that represents in a form of art. We’d ask fellow teachers/faculty what painting they would like to see on there wall, and try my best to paint there image on a canvas. I chose this project because teachers should get more recognition, and should have something on there walls that they enjoy looking at, because they do spend most of there day there class room/office. I wanted to take advantage of my artistic skills so that why I’ve chosen this as a project. It would take money to be able to buy canvases, and paint. This task is very tedious because I want to really capture the teacher’s ideal picture that represents there personality and teaching criteria as whole.

CANCELED update; May 23, 2011
Our first IP project on the canvases for teacher was canceled due to the complications of the process and time and money need to achieve the final product of the ideal picture the teachers wanted, it was quite sad finding out that we couldn’t go through with this project after we put all the effort to video tape what the teachers wanted, and the tons of research we couldn’t quite find a exact bargain prices to obtain sticking with it. So this IP was cancelled.