Monday, May 23, 2011


Ice Breaker
Maritza Montoya and I conducted this ice breaker to help show the creative side of people and also to get a laugh out of people as well see how people work together. Our Ice breaker was basically to split into groups of five and to write a type of dance on a piece of paper, later the dance that was written on the piece of paper would be given to another group, it was the groups job to learn how to do the dance and teach each other, but if the group did not know how to do that certain dance they were to conduct “what they thought” would be the dance. There job was to dance in a sequence and not keep it sloppy and have everyone doing the same move. Then the rest of the class would guess what type of dance move it was.

How our ice breaker went:
I believe it got some chuckles out of people, but the problem that kept occurring was people not participating/being to shy to actually dance in front of the class. Something else that we left out was music, luckily though we had someone who had a laptop with music, this allowed people to dance to it. I would describe our icebreaker as a bit sloppy because we never thought of the music part, how it would look like and how people would guess the dance. If I were to redo this I would include those factors in and make it more organized. It was hard as well to get the attention of students.

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