Monday, April 25, 2011

CANCELED Independent Project #1 April/21/11

I am offering our teachers and fellow AHS faculty to have a personal piece of artwork hanged on there wall, in their class room, office etc. I personally feel that teacher/faculty should have a piece of their personality that represents in a form of art. We’d ask fellow teachers/faculty what painting they would like to see on there wall, and try my best to paint there image on a canvas. I chose this project because teachers should get more recognition, and should have something on there walls that they enjoy looking at, because they do spend most of there day there class room/office. I wanted to take advantage of my artistic skills so that why I’ve chosen this as a project. It would take money to be able to buy canvases, and paint. This task is very tedious because I want to really capture the teacher’s ideal picture that represents there personality and teaching criteria as whole.

CANCELED update; May 23, 2011
Our first IP project on the canvases for teacher was canceled due to the complications of the process and time and money need to achieve the final product of the ideal picture the teachers wanted, it was quite sad finding out that we couldn’t go through with this project after we put all the effort to video tape what the teachers wanted, and the tons of research we couldn’t quite find a exact bargain prices to obtain sticking with it. So this IP was cancelled.

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